Friday, September 11, 2009


We've had an awfully fun week; I must say I'm really enjoying being part of Summers-Knoll. This week we've begun our North Africa theme by learning the Arabic numbers to ten, spelling our names in Arabic, and doing a little bit of reading about Ibn Battuta, the great 14th-century traveler from Morocco. We've solved riddles, and made our own (cleverly hidden inside Origami), and had a few interesting conversations about numbering systems, mathematical bases, and transliteration. We've started the math assessments, though those won't be finished until next week; hopefully, we'll also get those desks raised by then! The kids played a couple of really impressive rounds of Dictionary (also known as Balderdash) this morning, with some interesting definitions of 'villify' and 'zooanthropy' offered for our common perusal. We've also been reading The Magic Pudding, by Norman Lindsay, and I have to say that's been a lot of fun.

A couple of parents have let me know that they're having trouble subscribing to the blog. Thank you for telling me, since I'm new to this and not apt to notice missing features! I'm emailing Mrs. Carpenter to find out how she set up her subscriptions (since I can't seem to figure it out), and hopefully that'll be up tomorrow.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the picnic!

1 comment:

  1. Renata,
    What a wonderful thing it is to have you at the school. Welcome!!!

