Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Morning snacks

Would it be agreeable to everyone if we took weekly turns at bringing in snack this year? Since there are only six children in the class, I’m certainly willing to take a turn with snack, as well, so we’d be on a seven-week rotation. (That would come out to about two turns each before the winter break.) We'll be eating morning snack every day, but I'm not as firmly attached to the idea of afternoon snack; it's harder to fit in, and it won't always be necessary. I had been intending to provide snack this week, since I hadn’t sent out any notice about it; however, Parker’s father was kind enough to bring in a big tub of pretzel sticks anyway, so perhaps that family would like to take a turn this week? It’s pretty much taken care of with the pretzels, anyway… No matter what we decide, thank you for the pretzels, Ron! That was very thoughtful.

I’m therefore proposing the following Schedule of Snack Rotation (currently randomly ordered; just let me know if you’d rather have a different week!):

9/8 - 9/11 Parker’s family

9/14 – 9/18 Peter’s family

9/21 – 9/25 Max’s family

9/28 – 10/2 Alec’s family

10/5 – 10/9 Maria’s family

10/12 – 10/16 Mike’s family

10/19 – 10/23 Renata

10/ 26 – 10/30 Parker’s family

11/2 – 11/6 Peter’s family

11/9 – 11/13 Max’s family

11/16 – 11/20 Alec’s family

11/23 – 11/27 Renata (Thanksgiving week)

11/30 – 12/4 Maria’s family

12/7 – 12/11 Mike’s family

12/14 – 12/18 Renata

Does that work all right? Tthere are only six kids in the class, so providing snack shouldn't be too onerous a burden.

I believe everyone's dealt with snack before, but here are some suggestions for healthy foods (shamelessly borrowed from Mrs. Carpenter's blog):

Fruit - strawberries,bananas, apples, grapes, raisins, applesauce
Vegetables - mini carrots, celery, cucumbers
Cheese and whole wheat crackers
Nutragrain Bars
Pre-popped plain popcorn

Please remember to check for peanuts and tree nuts, including snacks made in a shared facility. Check labels for transfat and high fructose corn syrup and avoid those foods whenever possible.

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