Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I'm not sure everyone knows that I've been doing some acro-balance with the class over the last several weeks. Acro-balance is a fairly obscure form: it is, essentially, a series of two-person acrobatic poses, one passing into the next. It's almost all a function of counterbalance, rather than muscular strength. I'm using it as an additional form of physical education, and as a trust-building exercise within the class, since partners and spotters are to some degree responsible for other people's safety. Thus far, we begin our (brief) sessions with some stretching, to get warmed up, and then proceed to two or three ground-level counterbalances. I'm hoping that if we stick with this over the year, by the end we may progress to slightly more advanced positions. We are taking it quite slowly—partly due to the difficulty of finding time to spend on this during the school day—but the kids seem to enjoy it a great deal. Here are a couple pictures of myself doing acro with some friends near the start of the year, so you can see what I'm talking about (the kids are not doing this sort of thing, yet):

One group finished some work early, yesterday, and had time for a brief round of Balderdash. It was a fascinating set of definitions:


- to squeeze an obtuse triangle

- funeral rites or ceremonies

- a group of objects that are transparent

- a sequence of identical objects

- something with no symmetry

1 comment:

  1. This is so totally cool! I wish I could do this with my kids! I may have to try it! (I just need to be careful or I will be limping more than I usually do!

    Emma's mom...
